Applied Microscopy : eISSN 2287-4445 / pISSN 2287-5123

Cited by CrossRef (9)

  1. Bidyapati Mishra, Rajdeep Sarkar, Vajinder Singh, Deepak Kumar, A. Mukhopadhyay, V. Madhu, M.J.N.V. Prasad. Effect of cold rolling and subsequent heat treatment on microstructural evolution and mechanical properties of Fe-Mn-Al-C-(Ni) based austenitic low-density steels. Materials Science and Engineering: A 2022;861:144324
  2. T. Wegener, C. Haase, A. Liehr, T. Niendorf. On the influence of ϰ-carbides on the low-cycle fatigue behavior of high-Mn light-weight steels. International Journal of Fatigue 2021;150:106327
  3. S. Picak, M.W. Vaughan, O. El Atwani, A. Mott, K.R. Limmer, I. Karaman. Effects of chemical segregation on ductility-anisotropy in high strength Fe-Mn-Al-C lightweight austenitic steels. Acta Materialia 2023;245:118589
  4. Bidyapati Mishra, R. Sarkar, Vajinder Singh, A. Mukhopadhyay, Rohit T. Mathew, V. Madhu, M.J.N.V. Prasad. Microstructure and deformation behaviour of austenitic low-density steels: The defining role of B2 intermetallic phase. Materialia 2021;20:101198
  5. Bidyapati Mishra, A. Mukhopadhyay, Rajdeep Sarkar, M.K. Kumawat, V. Madhu, M.J.N.V. Prasad. Strain hardening and stored energy in high-Mn austenitic based low-density steel. Materials Science and Engineering: A 2022;861:144331
  6. Idurre Kaltzakorta, Teresa Gutierrez, Roberto Elvira, Pello Jimbert, Teresa Guraya. Manufacturing and forging issues encountered while upscaling 1.3C30Mn10Al-austenitic and 0.65C12Mn-duplex low-density steels. Materials and Manufacturing Processes 2022;37:43
  7. Raiyan Seede, Austin Whitt, Jiahui Ye, Sean Gibbons, Philip Flater, Bernard Gaskey, Alaa Elwany, Raymundo Arroyave, Ibrahim Karaman. A lightweight Fe–Mn–Al–C austenitic steel with ultra-high strength and ductility fabricated via laser powder bed fusion. Materials Science and Engineering: A 2023;874:145007
  8. Siwhan Lee, Joonoh Moon, Hwangsun Kim, Yong Hwan Cho, Ho Hyeong Lee, Howook Choi, Yijae Kim, Dong-Woo Suh, Kyeongjae Jeong, Heung Nam Han. Development of functionally graded austenitic lightweight steel through electrically assisted pressure solid-state joining. Materials Science and Engineering: A 2024;891:146003
  9. Bidyapati Mishra, R. Sarkar, Vajinder Singh, Deepak Kumar, A Mukhopadhyay, V. Madhu, M.J.N.V. Prasad. Effect of Cold Rolling and Subsequent Heat Treatment on Microstructural Evolution and Mechanical Properties of Fe-Mn-Al-C-(Ni) Based Austenitic Low-Density Steels. SSRN Journal 2022